A spiral model teaching mobile application development in terms of the continuity principle in school and university education

The article is devoted to the issues of teaching mobile application development and, as a consequence, training of highly qualified in-demand mobile developers. Nowadays, training professional mobile developers is a crucial task all over the world. The researchers emphasize the complexity of mobile application development associated with its multidisciplinarity, the mobile device hardware limitations, the necessity of object-oriented programming in the mobile development. Due to the complexity of the mobile development field and the gap in programming knowledge of first-year students, there are fears that prepare highly qualified mobile developers during undergraduate education is impossible. In this regard, the article proposes a spiral model teaching mobile application development with the aim of effective training of mobile developers. The spiral model covers all levels of teaching programming from high school to higher education with aim to develop knowledge from introductory programming to mobile application development. The offered spiral model suggests the continuity in the content and overcoming the gap in programming knowledge between high school and higher education. Such a model is the most appropriate for the training of highly qualified mobile developers in the context of Kazakhstan’s education system.
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Authors and Affiliations
- Department of Computer science, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan G. Aimicheva & Zh. Kopeyev
- Senior lecturer at Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan Zh. Ordabayeva
- Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan N. Tokzhigitova
- Senior lecturer at M.Utemisov West-Kazakhstan State University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan S. Akimova
- G. Aimicheva