Public service ethics

The Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 outlines the ethics principles fundamental to good public administration. It requires public service agencies and public sector entities to develop and implement a code of conduct based on these ethics principles:

Public service agencies

The Public Service Commission (PSC) has developed and implemented the Public Service Code of Conduct for public service agencies. For the purposes of the Code of Conduct, agencies are:

Public service agencies can develop and implement their own policies and procedures with additional standards of conduct.

Public sector entities

Public sector entities must develop and implement a Code of Conduct. Public sector entities are:

Your Code of Conduct:

You can use the Public Service Code of Conduct as your Code of Conduct. Contact the Public Sector Commission’s HR Assist team for approval and we’ll note this in the Public Sector Ethics Regulation 2010.

Other organisations

The Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 does not apply to:

Reporting requirements

Public service agencies and public sector entities have annual reporting obligations under the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994. This includes information about the implementation of the Code of Conduct and any standards of practice, and details of education and training provided to employees during the reporting period.

Talk to your HR or ethical standards team for more.